What is modern painting?
Each month we will feature a different artist/student. This month we are featuring Esther Scholssberg's Girl with Curls (pictured below, right) inspired by artists Henri Matisse and Avi Ben-Simhon.
What is modern painting? Is it the ability to set a three dimensional scene onto a flattened space? In the purple robe, Matisse explored this question and painted a woman in a room titled Purple Robe (pictured below, left). The scene is projected onto a two dimensional canvas using different colors and designs. Girl with Curls reflects this. The human form becomes a series of stripes, squiggles, grids and flowers - all painted with vibrant colors. In both paintings, the colors do not seem to come from nature. However, if we really notice, this synthetic color palette is seen in our daily lives dotted across our present/modern landscape. (Written by: Miriam Solondz)
What is modern painting? Is it the ability to set a three dimensional scene onto a flattened space? In the purple robe, Matisse explored this question and painted a woman in a room titled Purple Robe (pictured below, left). The scene is projected onto a two dimensional canvas using different colors and designs. Girl with Curls reflects this. The human form becomes a series of stripes, squiggles, grids and flowers - all painted with vibrant colors. In both paintings, the colors do not seem to come from nature. However, if we really notice, this synthetic color palette is seen in our daily lives dotted across our present/modern landscape. (Written by: Miriam Solondz)